German Language Cafe -Monday

German Language Café meets on Monday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 
This is a time to come and speak German in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

English Language Cafe - Tuesday

English Language Café meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 
This is a time to come and speak English in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Homework Help - Tuesday 

Tuesdays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Homework Help is a time for your child to come and get help with their school subjects.  This is also a time for your child to have a place where they can come and focus on their studies, without distraction.  Your child MUST bring homework in order to attend.


(Parents/Legal Guardians must sign a Permission Form for your child to attend. This will be emailed to you.) 

Shut Up & Write! - Wednesday

Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm.  *** PAUSED UNTIL 19TH OF FEBRUARY ***

Shut Up & Write! is a community-driven initiative designed to help writers of all kinds - students, professionals, academics, and hobbyists - come together and focus on their writing. Our sessions provide dedicated time and space for uninterrupted writing, fostering productivity and creativity through shared intention and communal support.

Parents and Children Music Group

Come and sing, move and play instruments together with your child! Songs and Rhymes will be in English and German and you can also share songs from your childhood with others. There will be a playtime and a snack after the music time. 

Community Meal  

Come join others as we share a meal together and experience the cultures from around the world!  Please bring some food to share with everyone!!! 

Mums and Children Music Group 

Come and sing, move and play instruments together with your child! Songs and Rhymes will be in English and German and you can also share songs from your childhood with others. 
There will be a playtime and a snack after the music time.

Please register your interest below.